
Polat Akatlar Residences

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Polat Akatlar Residences For Sale in Istanbul

In the heart of Istanbul, in Akatlar, which welcomes the residents of the neighborhood with its unique calmness, besides the peace, a new life center is rising that will make you say you can live here!

It invites you to re-live Istanbul with its architecture that embodies the calmness, peace and greenery in harmony with its neighborhood.

A new life in a central location that combines traditional apartment culture with modern architecture, offers your family a warm home in one of the most peaceful neighborhoods of the city, revitalizes the neighborhood, is right here.

Polat Akatlar welcomes its residents with 1+1, 2+1, 3+1 options, a total of 112 flats, a terrace with a pool and commercial areas, with the assurance of Polat Holding. It is located in the heart of the city, away from the noise of the city with its security, social living areas, parking lot and warehouse sections. It offers a new home address where it will change their life, and the opportunity to invest in the future for those who want it.

In Polat Akatlar; You will not only find a building consisting of flats, but also a pleasant and safe structure for your children with all its facilities, a transportation point where you can easily go to work, and a social living space where you can easily meet with your loved ones with its location within walking distance of the most popular shopping malls.

78 m2


1 Bathrooms

138 m2


1 Bathrooms

203 m2


2 Bathrooms


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